How To Prepare For Your QEEG Brain Scan

What is a QEEG Brain Scan?

Perth Brain Centre uses functional brain imaging technology known as Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) Brain Scans and 3-Dimensional Brain Mapping, using Low-resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA).

QEEG Brain Scans are safe well-known assessments used in scientific research and clinical practice, and are appropriate for almost any age. Unlike standard CT and MRI scans which provide information about brain structure, QEEG Brain Scans provides information about how the brain is working by directly measuring the electrical activity of the brain, known as “brain waves.” Specialised software is used to compare an individual’s pattern of brainwave activity to reference databases. The results of this complex analysis are used to generate detailed images known as “brain maps.”

The results from QEEG Brain Scans are not used to provide a clinical diagnosis (eg. to diagnose ADHD, Anxiety, Autism etc) but instead provide important information about brain activity and to guide advice and treatment.

What Happens During A QEEG Brain Scan ?

During a QEEG Brain Scan an “electrode cap” is placed on the head with small sensors used to detect the the electrical activity of the brain. The cap is designed to fit firmly, and whilst not painful, some people may find the cap mildly uncomfortable. Special gel is used to improve the connection between the sensors and the head (this is injected into the sensors in the cap using a blunt-ended needle which cannot pierce the skin). Small ear-clip electrodes are also attached gently to the ears. QEEG Brain Scans are conducted in clinic whilst sitting upright and awake.

The time taken to set-up can differ from one person to another and can vary from about 10 to 20 minutes. During this period of set-up it is important to remain seated and reasonably still. This can of course be difficult for some people (especially young children) and we would recommend that parents of young children consider bringing a few items along to the appointment such as their child’s favourite book, electronic device (eg. to play a movie) or toy to help distract them if needed.

Once the set-up is complete the recording can be done. The time taken to record can differ from one person to another and can vary from about 10 to 20 minutes. During this period of recording it is very important to remain seated and as still as possible. Again this can be difficult for some people (especially young children) and if necessary the child may be able to watch a movie to help keep them seated and as still as possible. Recordings may be performed with eyes open, eyes closed, or both, depending upon the case. Once the recording(s) are finished the cap is removed. There is always some gel left in the hair, but this can be easily washed out later at home. Please allow approximately 30 minutes for your QEEG Brain Scan Appointment.

Adults - How To Prepare

The Perth Brain Centre (est, 2007) has performed many thousands of QEEG Brain Scans and your clinician will do everything possible to ensure your appointment runs smoothly, on-time and data is successfully recorded. It is very important that you also take responsibility for the success of your appointment and do everything possible to help prepare for your QEEG Brain Scan. Failure to follow the preparation instructions may make it difficult or impossible to conduct your scan and will result in rescheduling your appointment. Please note that the clinic may charge for the appointment, even if no data is successfully recorded, if you have not followed the following important instructions:

Sleep - Do your best to have a good night’s sleep the night before your appointment, so you can remain alert and awake during the scan.

Head and Hair - On the morning of your appointment please wash your head and hair thoroughly with normal (non oil-based) shampoo. Do not use conditioner and do not use any styling gels or hair sprays etc. Make sure that you dry your head and hair completely. Please also note that in some cases hair extensions or certain hair-styles (eg. braids) can make recording very difficult or even impossible, and you must check with the clinic in advance to avoid any problems.

Make-Up and Hygiene - Please do not wear any make-up or use any face-creams, and ensure you arrive clean (ie. no dirt, dust, sand or sweat).

Medication - If you usually take prescribed medication, please continue to take this as normal. Try to avoid taking any non-prescription medication for at least 24 hours before your scan and please inform us of all medications that you are taking.

Alcohol, Caffeine, Nicotine - Please avoid alcohol, caffeine (coffee, energy drinks and tea), smoking or vaping for at least 3 hours before your appointment.

Recreational Drugs - Please avoid using recreational drugs (eg. cannabis, cocaine etc) for at least 24 hours before your scan and please inform us of any recreational drugs that you are using.

Contact Lenses - If you wear contact lenses, be prepared to remove them during your session (these can cause excess eye blinks or eye movements).

Eating and Drinking - You will not be able to eat or drink during the recording. Please do your best to eat a balanced meal or snack a little while before your appointment. Being overly hungry or thirsty can impact alertness and your ability to sit still.

Arrive Early - Please arrive at least 15 minutes early for your appointment, giving yourself time to relax after you arrive. 

Bathroom Breaks - Please go to the bathroom immediately before your appointment. Once you are set-up for your recording it is difficult to “unhook things” to allow you use the bathroom.

Mobile Telephone - Please turn off your mobile phone during your appointment.

Do Your Best - Your main job during the recording is to sit still, keep your body and face relaxed, and be as awake and alert as possible. We appreciate that many patients may find it difficult to sit still, feel relaxed or stay alert, but please do your best.

Messy Hair - Be prepared for messy hair following your QEEG Brain Scan. There will be some left-over gel in your hair after your appointment. Please note that it can be easily washed out later at home.

Questions - If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help.

Parents - How To Prepare Your Child

Some parents may be worried about the QEEG Brain Scan for their child, especially if their child is very young, anxious and/or has sensory challenges. The Perth Brain Centre (est, 2007) has performed many thousands of QEEG Brain Scans with children of all ages (many also with special needs) and your clinician will do everything possible to ensure that your child’s appointment runs smoothly, on-time and data is successfully recorded. It is very important that you also take responsibility for the success of your child’s appointment and do everything possible to help prepare them for their QEEG Brain Scan, especially helping them to feel comfortable and relaxed during the process. It is very important to follow the preparation instructions and please be aware that failure to do so may make it difficult or impossible to conduct your child’s scan and will result in rescheduling their appointment. Please note that the clinic may charge for the appointment, even if no data is successfully recorded, if you have not followed the following important instructions:

Open Communication - Explain the process to your child in advance of their appointment in a simple and age-appropriate manner. Assure them that it is safe, painless and that there is nothing to fear. Explain that they will need to wear a cap (“a bit like a swimming cap”) and little clips on their ears (“a bit like clip-on earrings”). You may also wish to explain that we will use a special blunt-ended needle to “squirt gel into the holes in the cap” but please reassure them that it is blunt and cannot hurt at all. Consider showing them the QEEG Brain Scan video and the photographs of the room and equipment so that they are more familiar with the process.

Practice - Some parents may have some concerns that their child may not tolerate wearing the electrode cap or ear-clips. If this is the case we would recommend lots of practice at home using swimming caps and clip-on earrings. If your child cannot tolerate wearing a swimming cap or clips on their ears it may be difficult performing the QEEG Brain Scan in clinic, in which case please contact the clinic immediately and we can advise how best to proceed.

Sleep - Do your best to help your child have a good night’s sleep the night before your appointment, so that they can remain alert and awake during the scan.

Head and Hair - On the morning of their appointment please ensure that they wash their head and hair thoroughly with normal (non oil-based) shampoo. Do not use conditioner and do not use any styling gels or hair sprays etc. Make sure that their head and and hair are completely dry. Please also note that in some cases hair extensions or certain hair-styles (eg. braids) can make recording very difficult or even impossible, and you must check with the clinic in advance to avoid any problems.

Clean - Please ensure that your child arrives clean to their appointment (ie. no dirt, dust, sand or sweat).

Medication - If they usually take prescribed medication, please continue to take this as normal. Try to avoid them taking any non-prescription medication for at least 24 hours before your scan and please inform us of all medications that you are taking.

Home Comforts and Distractions - It can be helpful to provide some home comforts or distractions during the appointment. So consider bringing their favourite book, comfort blanket, electronic device (eg. to play a movie) or toy to help distract them if needed.

Other Children - We may need your assistance during your child’s appointment so please do not bring any other children along.

Eating and Drinking - Your child will not be able to eat or drink during the recording. Please do your best to ensure that they eat a balanced meal or snack a little while before their appointment. Being overly hungry or thirsty can impact their alertness and ability to sit still.

Arrive Early - Please arrive at least 15 minutes early for your appointment, giving yourself time to relax after you arrive. 

Bathroom Breaks - Please ensure your child goes to the bathroom immediately before their appointment. Once they are set-up for their recording it is difficult to “unhook things” to allow them to use the bathroom.

Mobile Telephone - Please remember to turn off your mobile phone during your child’s appointment.

Stay Calm and Supportive - Your demeanour can significantly impact your child's emotions. Please be calm, composed and supportive throughout your child’s appointment. Your reassuring and relaxed presence, can provide immense comfort and stability, helping them feel safe and secure. Encourage your child to sit as still as they can (this is especially important during the actual recording towards the end of the appointment) and remember they can hold your hand all the time if they like.

Messy Hair - Be prepared for your child to have messy hair following their QEEG Brain Scan. There will be some left-over gel in their hair after their appointment. Please note that it can be easily washed out later at home.

Talk Afterwards - Have a conversation with your child about their experience after their appointment. Acknowledge their efforts, listen to their feelings, and address any concerns they might have. This debriefing can help them process their emotions and build confidence for future sessions. 

Questions - If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help.